On the last day of term, a group of Post 16 performed their pantomime version of Roald Dahl's Cinderella to Year 7, 8, 9 and Post 16. This was the first performance of its kind in college since the pandemic and it was wonderful to have a show on the stage once again.
This slightly unconventional retelling featured the decapitation of the Ugly Sisters, Cinderella's realisation that the Prince wasn't the one for her, and an unlikely hero of the Jam Man. Of course, the Magic Fairy, Cleaning Props and Rats all made an appearance to help Cinderella through her story, not to mention the Clock keeping track of Midnight's chimes...
Cast list
Grace - Cinderella
Isaac - Prince
Jadene and M Spink - Ugly Sisters
Emily - Magic Fairy
James - Courtier, Ball Guest
Logan - Clock
Anya, Katy and Sadie - Cleaning Props, Rats (then Coachmen), Ball Guests, Townspeople
Bridget - Cleaning Prop, Ball Guest, Townsperson
Danielle - Cleaning Prop, Coach Driver, Ball Guest, Granny, Jam Man
Behind the Scenes
Jess and J McNamaraChard - Directors
D Semmons - Sound and Lighting
Emily and V Chard - Music and Singing
E Stevenson - Filming and publicity
Thank you to everyone who came along to watch and support, we hope that you have a lovely Christmas holiday!