Following the recent Everyday Sexism workshop for Year 10 PSHE, there will now be a drop-in session for Year 10 and Post 16 girls on Friday 16th July in General Classroom 1 at lunchtime.
This is a chance to talk about harassment in college and help us to find ways of preventing it in the future. The session will be informal and student-led; please feel free to just come along and listen - there is no pressure to share with the group.
Here is a rough outline for the session:
What are the main issues?
Are there lots of individual cases of harassment, or is it a repeated group?
Do you know what the reporting system is and do you feel comfortable using it?
What do you know about the safeguarding team?
Raising Awareness
Do you think that PSHE works? What are the alternatives?
Introducing our Post-it Note Campaign
Designing tutor group sessions
Your ideas
An open discussion to hear your opinions and ideas
We hope to see you there.
Any questions? Please email dharrison@helston.cornwall.sch.uk or 5p9dhutchinson@helston.cornwall.sch.uk with the subject line 'Everyday Sexism'.